Woman Gets Lipo While Wide Awake, Walks Home. I Watch Video While Nauseous, Walk To Bathroom To Dry Heave.

22 year old Sylvia has a muffin top that she just can’t get rid of! (When you see her you’ll probably be less than sympathetic.) So she gets a new kind of liposuction that they do while you’re WIDE AWAKE. Watch every harrowing moment. She even talks on the phone! (That is actually what initially caused my nausea.)

I have no problem with lipo but if I ever DO get it I would like to be  dreaming of sunshine and lollipops when it happens. Oh, and any 22 year old that’s getting liposuction is going to have a really hard time with her late thirties.

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1 Comment

  • This is utterly ridiculous. I’m not even talking about the being “wide awake” while getting lipo…I’m appalled by the fact that she’s 22 years old and fit! We already know what kind of message this is sending to young girls.

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