Rihanna’s ‘Rolling Stone’ Shorts Are Smaller Than Some Baby Bibs.

Pop sensation Rihanna is on the upcoming cover of Rolling Stone, which hits stands on April 1st.

I’m sure there’s an interview in there… but I can’t get past her shorts! I’ve seen belts that are wider… baby bibs that have more coverage!

First I thought it was body painting…  but I’m reading that yes, there’s fabric involved here. I’m not even sure how you put these on without destroying them in the process! In any case, Rihanna pulls it off. (Not literally…but you get the idea.)

Oh yes, and the folks at Rollingl Stone would like you to not be completely distracted by the buttocks… there’s an article about Afganistan in there. But if you want, they’re okay with you buying the mag because of the buttocks.

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