WEEKEND BOX OFFICE – March 11-13, 2011

I don’t know about the aliens, but at least we beat the rest of the box office…

Despite lackluster reviews, there was no contest this weekend for the number one spot, as BATTLE: LOS ANGELES took complete control with an estimated $36 Million.  The film was expected to be the next great alien invasion movie, however it only managed at 32% Fresh rating on RottenTomatoes, and even more surprising, caused a very blunt review from Roger Ebert, who said:

“Young men: If you attend this crap with friends who admire it, tactfully inform them they are idiots”

Damn…that was harsh, don’t you think?

Either way, it definitely performed better than the other two openers this week.  RED RIDING HOOD, which only received a 12% rating and many reviews that compared it to TWILIGHT, opened in 3rd place with an okay $14 Million, which MARS NEEDS MOMS opened all the way down in 5th place with a sad $7 Million.  And what’s even worse: the movie cost $150 Million to make!!!  How?!?!  Animated films are so common, I would have sworn that they found a concrete way to make it so much cheaper…

As for last week’s releases, last week’s number one, RANGO, managed to easily take the number two spot and add another $23 Million to its total, which is now at close to $70 Million.  The number four spot went to THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, which I personally thought was fun and original (CHECK OUT MY REVIEW RIGHT HERE!!), with another $11.5 Million.

As for the rest of the top ten, nothing too amazing/original to report, except for the fact that somehow, THE KING’S SPEECH is STILL holding onto the number nine spot after 16 weeks of release!!  That’s extreme right there…

Next week, we see three new big releases in theaters, including the rejoining of SEAN OF THE DEAD’s Nick Frost and Simon Pegg in PAUL (along with Seth Rogan), Matthew McConaughey and Ryan Phillippe’s new thriller THE LINCOLN LAWYER, and the absolutely awesome looking Bradley Cooper/Robert DeNiro vehicle, LIMITLESS.  We shall see soon enough who takes the number one spot…

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