Debi Mazar On The ‘Entourage’ Characters: “More Of A Homoerotic Fantasy To Me.”

Debi Mazar, who plays Shauna Roberts on “Entourage,” gave what can only be described as a killer quote in discussing the show’s final season with writer Sean Daly.

She tells that the show’s male characters spend a suspicious amount of time alone… without many women in their lives:

“I think that the show is kind of close to the way things used to go in the ‘90s …  The internal affairs part of it is very accurate.  But in terms of the guys who never have real girlfriends, who never deal with their families, and have their own house, that is more of a homoerotic fantasy to me.  Like really?  You guys spend all this time together?  You are not a biker club.  So why?  Maybe that is why you don’t have a girlfriend.  Are you gay?  It seems odd to me that they never have relationships and they spend so much time hanging out together. “

And that, in Showbiz news, is what they call the money byte.

When she’s not stirring the pot over the HBO series, she’s dishing about on her passion project, a show for The Cooking Channel called “Extra Virgin,” where she and her husband prepare delicious Tuscan dishes right from their home.

The eighth and final season of “Entourage” premieres July 24 at 10:30/9:30c on HBO.

“Extra Virgin” airs Wednesdays at 10:30 PM on Cooking Channel.

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