Is Michael Collings The Next Susan Boyle?

If internet traffic is any indication, Britain’s Got Talent may have just found their next Susan Boyle: a 19-year-old IT Engineer named Michael Collings.

Collings lives in a caravan (RV) park in Plymouth with his fiancee Sarah and an eight week old baby. When he launches into his cover of ‘Fast Car’ by Tracy Chapman, the audience is blown away!

Note that the link will lead to the YouTube page, it won’t let me embed the video.

Since reality TV viewers have become so savvy, I have to wonder if people looking to be the next underdog might actually dress down a bit to appear less flashy and go for the underdog role intentionally… it seems the ‘Got Talent’ shows love this kind of transformation!

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1 Comment

  • Just can’t wait to see who next weeks Susan Boyle will be.
    And the week after next, and the next, etc.

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