Miranda Lambert Gives Insight on Wedding Weekend Preparations

They’re the most loved couple in Country right now, and this weekend, Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton will be walking down the aisle in a Texas country wedding.

Obviously, there are a lot of last minute details, and thanks to Lambert and Twitter, fans got a sneak peak of what the bride-to-be was up to.  She tweeted earlier this week:

“I am so excited. Got nails touched up. One last wal mart run and I should be good!”

But that wasn’t all.  According to PEOPLE, Lambert and Shelton have always loved hunting, and planned on serving their own wild game at their wedding. That was the second big tweet, with the bride tweeting,

“Last thing loaded for the wedding!!! Harvested by….me!!!!!”

And with it…and a picture of a package of deer meat they plan to serve at the reception.

Shelton popped the question to Lambert last May in the woods near her home in Tishomingo, Oklahoma.  Lambert said when the pair announced their engagement:

“Weddings are great and engagements are great and diamonds are especially great, but I’m just excited to be married because I want to tell Blake I really can love him the rest of my life and be happy and make him happy.”

Now that’s the right way to feel…:-)

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