Charlie Sheen’s New, RAUNCHIER TV Show?

We haven't seen the last of Charlie Sheen playing himself a womanizing chauvinist lethario. Here's why the show will be even raunchier than ever.

We haven’t seen the last of Charlie Sheen playing himself a womanizing chauvinist lethario. reports that Sheen has inked a deal with Lionsgate Television to create a new sitcom where he will play a similar character, and there’s already a bidding war from networks, meaning the payola is going to be big.

The source tells RadarOnline. “Charlie’s character will be very similar to the one he played on Two And a Half Men, however the show will be a lot racier.

The site also reports that TBS is currently in the lead towards landing the show. Cable doesn’t need to follow the same restrictions set upon the major broadcast networks, so Sheen will be free to work on an even more provocative program.

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