Super Creepy APP Takes Your Facebook Profile And Makes You A Stalker Victim.

Remember how cool the "Museum Of Me" was? Well a German marketing agency has created a viral ad that uses your Facebook pics and creates a very creepy short movie! It shows a group of girls disturbingly obsessed with you - clipping out your photos, chatting about you... ultimately revealing a startling conclusion.

Remember the “Museum Of Me” which accessed your facebook profile pics and made a cool mini-online museum devoted to you? Well, a German marketing agency takes that technology into a morbid direction – creating a short movie that shows a group of girls disturbingly obsessed with you – clipping out your photos, chatting about you… ultimately revealing a startling conclusion.

The social-media marketing agency Doodem invites you to CLICK HERE, (the link is called Notruf Deutschland,) log in with Facebook, and watch as three girls/stalkers warble about how great you are, (with subtitles, but it’s still chilling) showing off pictures of you they put in a frame, a tattoo on one’s pelvis, and more. As wrong as it all is, you should really check it out, and then blame me for your nightmares.

To try yours - CLICK HERE


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