VIDEO: Ultimate Batting Practice.

This video shows such batting practice skills that it begs the question... is it real? It sure looks to be... as the batter seems to juggle the balls that bounce from pitchback to pitchback - ultimately going right back across the plate.

This video shows such batting practice skills that it begs the question… is it real? It sure looks to be… as the batter seems to juggle the balls that bounce from pitchback to pitchback – ultimately going right back across the plate and back into the cycle. It seems hard to imagine that he’d be able to fake the timing required to make this look so convincing. An amazing feat!

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  • Having looked at several times, I think it’s a FAKE, as every single ball hits the 1st net as the exact same spot and the ball comes off the last one from the same spot.

    Now when you download it, and watch it at 1/4 speed, zoomed in to the batter, and use a single frame by frame mode during the time were he’s swinging to hit the ball, there’s a few he’s clearing way off his timing for the arrival of the ball. If the sound timing is perfect, some hits the ‘tink’ is clearly 3-5 frames after the ball passes the point he needs to be making contact with the ball to send it on it’s way to it’s target for this carema angle.

    Even leaving the sound out of the analysis, there a few were the ball flight though the batting zome is clearly several frames ahead of his swing.

    So calling this one a fake.

    But very nice vid.

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