Michael Douglas’ Son Says He Would Have Been Better Off Left in Jail

Cameron Douglas, the son of actor Michael Douglas who was arrested on drug charges two years ago, testified yesterday that he would have been better off staying in jail instead of originally being freed on bail.

According to MSNBC, speaking as a witness at the trial of his alleged drug dealer in Manhattan, Douglas told the court that he had no idea of the treatment they had at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, a federal lockup next to the downtown courthouse:

“They provide you with methadone when you’re a heroin addict. I would have been better off if I had stayed at the MCC. I didn’t know that they provided methadone at the MCC until I got back there.”

The 32-year-old pleaded guilty to drug  charges and agreed to cooperate in a deal that got him a five-year prison term, well short of the mandatory minimum of 10 years for the charges that were brought against him.

While the hearing was supposed to be focused on his drug dealer, prosecutors spent a good amount of time asking about Douglas’ life, which he admitted could have turned out much better:

“I definitely had the opportunity to and I was too immature, too reckless…At some point, those opportunities were closed to me.”

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