Brad Pitt Wants to Quit Acting in Three Years? It’s True…

Brad Pitt may be at the top of his game right now, with MONEYBALL, INGLORIOUS BASTARDS, and THE TREE OF LIFE all garnering critical acclaim, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to give it all up. In fact, he has a pretty specific date for when he wants to do just that...

Brad Pitt may be at the top of his game right now, with MONEYBALL, INGLORIOUS BASTARDS, and THE TREE OF LIFE all garnering critical acclaim, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to give it all up.  In fact, he has a pretty specific date for when he wants to do just that…

In a new interview with Australia’s “60 Minutes”, Pitt says that he wants to leave film in just a few years…three to be exact.  And why, you may ask?

“I am really enjoying the producing side and development of stories and putting those pieces together. And getting stories to the plate that might have had a tougher time otherwise.”

Just a small example of that is Pitt’s latest, MONEYBALL, which is already generating Oscar buzz.

Does that mean that if he stops acting, Pitt wants to have more kids?  Despite having six already, he’ll never say never:

“I don’t know that we’re finished…I don’t know yet. I don’t know.”

Brad does say that with the kids, his work choices have taken on a new meaning, because he wants to leave them something to be proud of:

“When they’re adults I want it to mean something to them…I want them to think, ‘Dad’s alright.’ It changes everything. Everything. And it’s so damn interesting.”

So what do you think?  Should Brad quit acting in three years, or stay in the game that he almost rules?

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