Negotiator No More: Priceline Kills William Shatner

William Shatner, who famously mocks his own willingness to shill for virtually anyone who pays him, can now write off his Priceline gig. The brand is killing off his character with a bang (or, rather, CRASH) in a commercial campaign this Monday. Here's the spot...

And in a moment, a lucrative endorsement deal was gone…

William Shatner, who famously mocks his own willingness to shill for virtually anyone who pays him, can write off his Priceline gig. The brand is killing off his character with a bang (or, rather, CRASH) in a commercial campaign this Monday.

The travel site is planning on downplaying its ‘name your own price’ identity in favor of branding itself as a more all purporse travel booking destination. As a result, “The Negotiator” is no longer needed. So why not exit in dramatic form?

The final scene of this spot sure looks like Shatner is a goner. But if Soap Operas have taught me anything (and they haven’t… except for this one thing:) it’s that one can ever really die if a company wants them back!

Have a look at Shatner’s final moments in this humorous, campy spot and for more viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on Twitter!

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