New Photo Trend Isn’t So New: Turtling.

Everything that's old becomes new again... even in celebrity photography! Look no further than George Clooney on March’s issue of Esquire and "The Artist" actor Jean Dujardin on last month’s issue GQ Russia. But wait... that looks familiar...

The eyes have it! The necks, not so much…

Everything that’s old becomes new again… even in celebrity photography.

Look no further than George Clooney on March’s issue of Esquire and “The Artist” actor Jean Dujardin on last month’s issue GQ Russia. A great way to highlight an actor’s eyes, yes. (And perhaps a cold sore if necessary!)

But the trend, recently coined online as ‘turtling’ – is not a new one… in fact, the iconic James Dean was mugging with half his face (and without the turtleneck) more than fifty years ago. There he is on the right in a photo taken in 1955 by Phil Stern.

Wheel in the sky keep on turnin. So do the trends.

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