Spike Lee Sends Protestors to George Zimmerman’s House…Sends Them to the Wrong Address

Over the past few weeks, the entire country has been drawn into the tragedy that is the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. However, writer/director Spike Lee may have taken things a bit too far.

Over the past few weeks, the entire country has been drawn into the tragedy that is the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.  However, writer/director Spike Lee may have taken things a bit too far.

According to Worst Previews, Lee decided to post on his Twitter page what he thought was the address of gunman George Zimmerman.  That tweet was sent out to his 250,000 followers, and the response included comments like “Get this mutha f*cka!!” and “Ima get a group of n*ggas to KILL George Zimmerman (the fat ass racist ass white man who killed Trayvon Martin)! He deserves to DIE!!!!”

It turns out, however, that the address Lee gave out was not Zimmerman’s.  It actually belonged to Elaine and David McClain, a couple in their 70s.  They have a son, William George Zimmerman, who lived there in the mid-1990s, but not since.

Lee tweeted late today: “I Deeply Apologize To The McClain Family For Retweeting Their Address. It Was A Mistake. Please Leave The McClain’s In Peace.”

The tweet has since been removed from Lee’s Twitter page.

Treyvon Martin was walking home on February 26, 2012, when neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman shot him.  Zimmerman says it was self defense.  Treyvon’s family and friends (and what seems to be the general public) say it was blatant murder.

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