Lady Gaga Tweet About Exercise and Diet Draws Criticism, But Tells The Truth.

Even though Lady Gaga's brand is about self acceptance, a recent tweet in which she refers to back to back spin classes and claims 'pop singers don't eat' is an honest reflection of the real world of entertainers.

Even though Lady Gaga’s brand is about self acceptance, a recent tweet in which she refers to back to back spin classes and claims ‘pop singers don’t eat’ is an honest reflection of the real world of entertainers.

Gaga has built a reputation for herself as one who preaches about loving yourself and your body. She’s been a vocal opponent of “the dieting wars.” But she’s also been criticized for getting too thin and having body issues of her own. (She has admitted to having bulimia in high school.) So it’s not surprising that she created something of a firestorm with her tweet on Thursday.

The 26 year old’s 22.7 million followers could see the tweet, which read: “Just killed back to back spin classes. Eating a salad dreaming of a cheeseburger #PopSingersDontEat #IWasBornThisWay.”

The issue divided her fans. Among them, Christina ‏ who tweeted back: “@ladygaga they don’t eat but they should. #popsingersSHOULDeat“  The National Eating Disorders Association, replied, “Huh? This is the same person who recently implored girls to stop dieting?”

Still other fans defended ‘mother monster.’ And in truth, Gaga, like it or not, is simply being honest about the state of the entertainment industry. As much as folks would like to ‘allow’ the artist to eat whatever she likes, it’s well documented that tabloid magazines and society are often quick to point out when a celebrity gains weight.

Sure, back to back spin classes does seem excessive. But eating a salad over a cheeseburger isn’t the worst thing in the world…(I could do some more of that myself.) It’s not she was actually starving herself that day.

What do you think? Share your thoughts, and follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

What do you think about Lady Gaga's tweet?


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