Demi Moore Finally Changes Her Twitter Handle

Demi Moore is moving on with her least in the world of social media.

Demi Moore is moving on with her life…at least in the world of social media.

Up until now, Moore’s over five million fans and followers have wondered when she would get rid of the handle @mrskutcher, and what would she change it to?  The question got to be so bad that in December, Moore wrote to her followers that in the midst of the divorce and all the allegations of Ashton’s tweeting, a handle was not really a “high priority” for her.

Well according to Cinema Blend, the former Mrs. Ashton Kutcher has finally changed her Twitter handle to @justdemi!  I like it…very cute…but its it permanent? The 49-year-0ld actress responds:

“So hard finding a name that was fun somewhat playful and available. So for now it will be @justdemi It could grow on me!”

Oh, Twitter…so important in today’s world.  It’s almost like getting your birth name legally changed, no?


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