Amanda Bynes (Foolishly) Tweets Barack Obama For Help With Her DUI

Most of us at some point have sent an email we later wished we hadn't, or posted a few dumb status updates. But really, Amanda? Tweeting Barack Obama to get yourself off the hook for your DUI arrest?

Most of us at some point have sent an email we later wished we hadn’t, or posted a few dumb status updates. But really, Amanda? Tweeting Barack Obama to get yourself off the hook for your DUI arrest?

Oh yes she did.

oy. really?

Having been officially charged with DUI after an arrest back in April — (she sideswiped a cop car and allegedly attempted to flee the scene) the actress refused to take either a breathalyzer or a blood test. She has been charged with one count of misdemeanor for driving under the influence.

Bynes, who has been a poster child for strange twitter behavior (claiming she’s retiring from show business, then retracting her statement, other times lamenting in great detail about man troubles) did her public image no good on Tuesday when she sent an ambitious tweet to the President of The United States for a lifeline. It read “Hey @BarackObama… I don’t drink. Please fire the cop who arrested me. I also don’t hit and run. The end.”

Not surprisingly, there is no word that the Commander in Chief has made this little mess go away for her. (Kinda think he’s busy with other things.) So instead, you have a story that gets picked up everwhere for the utter ridiculousness of it all, which only serves to make Bynes emotional stability come into question.

Bynes would be better off to play by the rules via the court system. Don’t mess with judges orders (ask Lindsay Lohan) and if she gets sentenced to between 48 hours and six months of jail time, just take comfort in knowing that the overcrowding of the LA jail system will result in a mere couple of hours in the slammer.

Oh – and come clean about what happened, and don’t do it again. Whatever it was.

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