BEYOND CLEVER VIDEO: 12 Year Old Videotapes Message To His Future Self, 20 Years Later He Responds.

This is amazing. In 1992, a 12 year old Jeremiah McDonald videotaped an 'interview' with his future self. Fast forward 20 years, and now it's 2012, and Jeremiah is responding to his pre-teen self. Amazing to think that he taped it, kept it, and now responds to it.

This is amazing. In 1992, a 12 year oldĀ Jeremiah McDonald videotaped an ‘interview’ with his future self. Fast forward 20 years, and now it’s 2012, and Jeremiah is responding to his pre-teen self. Amazing to think that he taped it, kept it, and now responds to it.

For more viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

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