No Joke: Movie Theater Hires Ninjas To Keep Audience Members Quiet
It seems like movie theaters have had a lot more trouble lately getting their audience members to respect the rules of no talking and texting. So what's the best way to fix such an issue? Ninjas, of course!

Worst Previews is reporting that the managers at the Prince Charles Cinema in London have had enough of such rude behavior from their customers, and decided to hire “ninjas” to regulate their behavoir!
Before you get excited, the ninjas aren’t professionally trained (sorry….), but regular people who agree to “guard” screenings in exchange for free admission! They go into the film wearing black, skin-tight bodysuits, and if they see anyone being rude or breaking rules, they have the cinema’s full permission to give them a “talking to”.
As one movie-goer described his expereince:
“I got a call from my friend just as the movie started and thought I could get away with taking it…The last thing I expected was two completely blacked-out people suddenly appearing by our seats and give me and my mates a warning to shut up. It was actually pretty terrifying at first, but then I realized it was a bit of a laugh and a great way to make it clear what I was doing was having an impact on those around me. It certainly made me hang up and shut up for the rest of the film.”
While it may be a little extreme, I absolutely love this idea. It’s fun, amusing, and a job that I would have LOVED to have back in high school…
I’m booking my flight to London ASAP….or maybe I’ll just get a ninja costume and go to my local theater…