Seal “Clarifies” Comments About Heidi Klum Cheating As Klum Fights Back

It seems like Seal is stepping back from his previous comments about Heidi Klum's infidelity.

It seems like Seal is stepping back from his previous comments about Heidi Klum’s infidelity. 

After obviously inferring last week that ex-wife, Klum, slept with their bodyguard before the two were even separated, Seal’s rep tells TMZ that it was all a misinterpretation by the media:

“Seal would like to clarify that he was not implying his wife was cheating while they were together, but he was merely pointing out that their separation and divorce are not yet final and they are indeed still legally married.”

Really?  Because if you watch the video right here, you will see Seal say he wished Klum “at least waited until we separated first before deciding to fornicate with the help”

I think that’s pretty direct, no?  And the added, “But I guess you now all have the answer that you’ve been looking for for the past seven months.” doesn’t really help, either…

On the other side, Klum’s has not taken the allegations sitting down.  Her rep told Access Hollywood, “It is sad that Seal has to resort to false accusations.”

Heidi and Seal announced their separation in January after seven years of marriage.

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