Nicki Minaj Blows Up At Mariah Carey At “American Idol” Auditions

Is the Nicki Minaj/Mariah Carey feud alive and well over at “American Idol”?

Is the Nicki Minaj/Mariah Carey feud alive and well over at “American Idol”?

TMZ is reporting that there was a massive blow up between the two female judges at the Charlotte, North Carolina auditions today, which led Minaj to threaten Carey with, “I’m gonna knock you out”.

No word on what caused the fight, but what we do know is that the two were sitting at the judges table (with Keith Urban between them and Randy Jackson next to Mariah), and Minaj went on to yell, “I told them, I’m not f*ckin’ putting up with her f*ckin’ highness over there.”

Despite most reality television shows loving the drama, sources say that producers ended the auditions early to calm everyone down, and they are very nervous about the two co-existing together for the rest of the season.

Something tells me that if this continues, no one is going to be paying attention to the actual singing this year…

UPDATE: TMZ has video of the incident:

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