Michael Lohan’s Maury-like Paternity Test Reveals He Fathered A Love Child

Ladies and gentlemen—and please imagine me saying this in Comic Book Guy’s voice—Worst. Father. Ever.

Ladies and gentlemen—and please imagine me saying this in Comic Book Guy’s voice—Worst. Father. Ever.

It turns out that Michael Lohan, the wonderful daddy to Lindsay Lohan, not only fathered an illegitimate lovechild back in 1995, but agreed to a Maury-style paternity test as the way he would find out!

Michael agreed to appear on an episode of “Trisha Goddard” for the DNA test, which was also the first time he ever actually met his daughter.  The girl’s mother, Kristi Horn, claimed for years that Michael was the father, but he has denied all alligations until now. 

Take a look at the really awkward reveal video below, try not to cringe, and just be happy he isn’t your dad…or anyone even related to you.

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