Person Responsible For Bieber And Kutcher Fake 911 Calls Is…A Twelve-Year-Old Boy?!

After months of investigation, the person responsible for falsely telling police there was gun violence at the homes of Justin Bieber and Ashton Kutcher has been caught…and he’s twelve years old.

After months of investigation, the person responsible for falsely telling police there was gun violence at the homes of Justin Bieber and Ashton Kutcher has been caught…

And he’s twelve years old.

TMZ is reporting that the pre-teen responsible for crank calling 911 is a young child living in California.  Sources for the site say that he lives at home with his mother, refuses to go to school, and sits at his computer day and night, communicating with other hackers. 

With law enforcement claiming that the family is “incredibly dysfunctional”, officers are now trying to place the child in a stable foster environment and on probation in lieu of jail time. 

The L.A. County D.A. has yet to make a decision on the boy’s punishment.

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