Jessica Simpson To Get New Sitcom Based On Her Life

If you thought Jessica Simpson’s ‘chicken of the sea’ comment was amazing television, then you’re going to love the news I’m about to share!

128933_mainimg-300x200If you thought Jessica Simpson’s ‘chicken of the sea’ comment was amazing television, then you’re going to love the news I’m about to share!

Access Hollywood is reporting that the 32-year-old singer/actress/fashion tycoon will star in her own NBC pilot completely inspired by her own life!

Founder and Chairman of producing company Electus, Ben Silverman, told Access Hollywood in a statement,

“We are thrilled to team up with the multi-talented Jessica Simpson to bring this new sitcom to life on NBC as she is truly a modern-day Lucy with incredible comedic chops…From running a fashion empire to wrangling her public image as a new mom, we see Jessica’s character approach a variety of ‘everyday’ circumstances that will get audiences laughing out loud.”

As for the future mother of two, she says that she can’t wait to bring the ridiculousness of her day to day life to the small screen.

“I am so excited to work with Ben and NBC again, this time on a scripted comedy…I often find myself thinking that no one could ever make up the things that actually happen in my life — so between the real life elements and a great team of writers, I think we’ll have people laughing!”

I have no doubt that Jessica has talent, but calling her a modern-day Lucille Ball?  Personally, I say no one could fill the shoes of Lucille Ball (and even if someone had to, I’d reserve that title for Kristen Wiig), but hey…that doesn’t mean we won’t get an amusing show out of the deal.

I just wonder which season will finally feature storylines about the ex-husband/boy band lead singer, sexual napalm, and jinxing an entire football team…

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