Superbowl Ad Watch: Wheat Thins Gets In The Game With Quirky, Over The Top Commercial

I won't lie - I understand the idea behind the upcoming "Must. Have. Wheat Thins." campaign. While I'm assured there are no habit forming drugs laced into those crackers - they are pretty darn addictive. Their new Super Bowl ad has an over the top comedic slant, and a big stunt attached.

I won’t lie – I understand the idea behind the upcoming “Must. Have. Wheat Thins.” campaign. While I’m assured there are no habit forming drugs laced into those crackers – they are pretty darn addictive.  Their new Super Bowl ad has an over the top comedic slant, and a big stunt attached. 

 Check out the ad – and read below about the stunt pitting city against city!

 For more viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!


Tied to the campaign, Wheat Thins is pitting  Baltimore against San Francisco to see who is the loudest fan of the cracker. Fans hashtagging #SF #MUSTHAVEWHEATTHINS or #BAL #MUSTHAVEWHEATTHINS on Super Bowl Sunday could be one of a thousand people to have a veritable ton (loosely speaking) of the crackers delivered to their door the same day!

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