REPORT: Fox Is Bringing Back ’24’!!

'24' fans rejoice! Fox is reportedly close to making a deal that would bring back the action packed drama as a limited series. The announcement is expected on Monday.

24 Kiefer Sutherland’24’ fans rejoice! Fox is reportedly close to making a deal that would bring back the action packed drama as a limited series. The announcement is expected on Monday. broke the story, which reports  that actor Kiefer Sutherland is in negotiations to reprise his leading role.

Former “24” showrunner Howard Gordon (Who currently works on “Homeland”) reportedly pitched the idea of bringing the show back as a limited series – as in, producing just 13 episodes, a smaller number that most cable networks usually use as a full season. (This also means that you won’t actually be getting the typical 24 hours that series became famous for. Hey, beggars can’t be choosers!)

 which is looking for a way to dig out of its ratings hole — and some big news for its Monday afternoon dog-and-pony show for advertisers.

While the announcement isn’t official, executive producer David Fury has tweeted about his involvement in the project.

Fox originally premiered in 2001, lasting eight seasons.

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