OMGOSSIP: Amber Rose Thinks This Oscar-Winner Is ‘Becky With The Good Hair’?!

I feel sorry for all the Becky’s in the world. Not the “Becky’s” who are alleged to have good hair. But the true Rebecca’s who have to now revert to being called by their full name to avoid causing impromptu Beyoncé lyrics from being shouted at them. True victims. This serves as my official disclaimer.

Amber Rose stopped by “Make Speidi Famous Again,” the podcast hosted by Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt, to regale in some stories of her past. One juicy tidbit that spilled out from the appearance was her theory that Gwyneth Paltrow is the true “Becky” that Beyoncé called out in her song “Lemonade.”

“Becky” was only described as having good hair and was accused of being the woman Jay-Z had an affair with. Several Hollywood insiders have posed their theories on who the mystery mistress could be, but Paltrow was never amongst the accused. Until today. Here’s how Rose broke down here theory on the podcast:

“I definitely think Gwyneth Paltrow is like ‘Becky with the good hair.’ I really feel like she’s the one that was f–king JAY-Z, right? They were like friends, and now you don’t see Gwyneth Paltrow with Beyonce anymore, and it just seems like she was the one that was f–king JAY-Z. And now Gwyneth lost her husband, but like, Beyonce’s still with Jay.”

I consider these fighting words. But a fight was not had! A rep for Paltrow quickly contacted PEOPLE calling the allegations “completely absurd and 100 percent false.” Dang, better luck next time Rose.

To hear the entire Speidi interview, click here.

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