Kindness Prevails! Customer Leaves Enormous Tip For Out Of Work Restaurant Staff

Slowly but surely more and more businesses are being shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic. With the world being in such a crisis it’s nice to see humanity shine through as it did with this one generous customer in Ohio.

It’s not easy to turn on the news these days. There seems to be a never ending stream of horribleness on every news channel at any given time. In these dark times, however, it is nice to know that there is still so much good in the world. On Sunday, Ohio made the decision to close down its bars and restaurants in an attempt to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. One the one hand it does feel good to finally be encouraged to drink alone in the dark without feeling the guilt of societal norms…but on the other, there is the harsh reality that hundreds if not thousands of people will be without work for the foreseeable future.

One very generous, anonymous customer knew that things were looking grim for the restaurant staff at Coaches Bar and Grill in Columbus, Ohio and so they left a whopping $2,500 tip on a bill that was less than $30. On the bill the tipper wrote “Please split this tab equally between Tara, Nicky, Jim, Liz and Arrun. The tip amount is $2500.00.” Benny Leonard, one of the restaurant’s employees, told WCMH, said

“It brought some of them to tears. They are going to split it 13 ways and it’s going to help them. We are a family and we will get through it together. An unbelievable act of kindness on a pretty weird day. We’ve got unprecedented times going on, we’ve got people fighting over toilet paper and so on and so forth, and to have a guy show up and care enough about people that give him a beer and a hamburger once in a while, that means a lot. It’s humanity at its best.”

Let’s take the lead of this kind tipper and share the good in these troubling times! Share this story with your friends to brighten their days as well.

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