Over the past few years, Tom Hardy has proven to us why he is one of the best up and coming actors in the business. But if you want even more proof, we could go back a full decade, and show you just how talented this man really is.
This video is going viral despite being posted back in 2008. A baby crow is overcome with curiosity over a man with a camera. (Much to the chagrin of the bird's parents.) Watch as it hops into his lap, squawks, and refuses to leave. Pretty adorable.
There are a lot of opinions about tragic events and standup comedy. Some believe that certain subjects should be completely off limits. Comics themselves will argue that standup is the one place where anything goes... Others say an incident like this is all about timing - and this might be 'too soon'. Wherever you stand, here's the fact: Dane Cook went there.
Parallel parking can be a challenge - but try having throngs of drunken revellers cheering and heckling you on!
When Germany beat Argentina at the World Cup in 2010, celebrating crowds in Münster couldn't help but get entrenched in the drama of this woman trying to park her car. Watch, laugh, and be grateful this wasn't you.
Turns out, this dragonfly is injured badly enough that it couldn't fly and go get its own food. So a caring woman nursed it back to health. Watch it eat bugs from tweezers - you could swear that thing is smiling!
It only takes 13 seconds for this daredevil to become a viral sensation. Watch as his heroic jumping efforts go horribly, horribly wrong. (No blood or broken bones, just a majorly bruised ego.) Nearing two million hits in just a week!
Dave Richards and Nathan Podmore were spear fishing off the coast of Australia when a shark offered them a reminder that they were in HIS house. Scary.
In the interest of science, watch how just one drop of the venom from a Russell’s viper snake instantly turns a glass of blood into jelly. That's why these bites are so excruciating. Not for the faint of heart.
When I was a kid there was a B movie called "Piranha" that I saw on TV. It had horrible effects, but the story of Piranhas in a lake eating people alive managed to scar me for life. Here's why I was right to be afraid.
Remember the video from the other day when the San Diego fireworks all went off at once? There's NEWER video, UP MUCH CLOSER. It's intense. All I can say is, holy crap
Chinese acrobat Dawa Zi acrobat was apparently attempting to walk backwards across a ravine in Hunan Province while blindfolded. Even though he's a sixth generation acrobat, early on you can see that things aren't going well.
Jorge and Nica were trying to have a baby for a year. When Nica finally found out she was pregnant she wrote her husband a poem from the baby's point of view. It takes a while for it to sink in, and even in their joy, he can't believe it.
This is amazing. In 1992, a 12 year old Jeremiah McDonald videotaped an 'interview' with his future self. Fast forward 20 years, and now it's 2012, and Jeremiah is responding to his pre-teen self. Amazing to think that he taped it, kept it, and now responds to it.
I have always had a strange, irrational fear of volcanoes. Turns out it's not so irrational. In order to test what would happen if you fell into a lava lake, some folks threw...