Terra and Drake spent weeks preparing... and it shows in the literal step for step reenactment of the final dance from the movie Dirty Dancing. No wonder it's gone viral!
Katy Perry! Miley Cyrus! Failed relationships! Author and relationship expert Maya Ezratti gave us her opinions on what's wrong in Hollyweird romance lately.
Brace yourself. This will probably make you cry.
96 year old Fred entered a songwriting contest. He dedicated his song to his recently wife of nearly 75 years. What happened next is proof of the beauty of the human spirit.
Will and Jada Pinkett Smith seem to have it all figured out. But is the key to all those perfections the fact that they might be sleeping with other people?
Multiple Personality Disorder, sometimes called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is often a soap opera plot line but little understood in reality. Journalist and author Thomas Smith explained the life few have experienced with his partner Darrell's many personalities, the subject of the book they co-wrote together, Which One Am I?