Ryan Reynolds has turned the sarcastic, sometimes cruel, anti-hero Deadpool into one of the most beloved characters amongst any superhero film. His passion towards...
It is one hell of a day for Marvel. Not only do they announce that production has begun on CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER, but they finally reveal a plot synopsis for the upcoming S.H.I.E.L.D television show!
Have you ever felt cheated by a movie trailer that promised something the movie didn't deliver? What if movie trailers actually told THE TRUTH?? Check out this re-edited trailer for THE AVENGERS... that tells the true story of what happens in the movie...
Whenever I hear the name Kevin Feige, I get excited. He is so in love with all the films that Marvel is making, and is always exploding with new information. Today is no exception.
A few weeks ago, we told you about the rundown of Marvel's Phase Two, which included a top secret new television show that Joss Whedon would produce. Today, we now know what that show will be.
Steven Panzarella counts down his top 5 people and moments from San Diego Comic Con 2012. The people that made an impact on the crowd and the events that blew us all away.
Steven Panzarella breaks down the announcements and footage brought to Comic Con on saturday july 14th, and explains why it was the biggest day of this years comic con.
Marvel has been on one hell of a roll, lately, culminating in THE AVENGERS hitting the $1 Billion mark worldwide and breaking records left and right. So how do you build on that momentum? According to Marvel head Kevin Feige, you build by releasing two Marvel films per year, including two that have yet to be announced: