
SCARY VIDEO: How “Toy Story” Almost Got Deleted Before It Ever Premiered

It's true... back when it was being put together, someone accidentally hit a code that started deleting all the files for Toy Story - characters like Woody, Buzz... Potato Head... were just GONE. THEN they discovered the backup system wasn't working. Hear how a panic stricken team at Pixar saved months of work and millions of dollars because of one little miracle.

FUNNY VIDEO: Guy Parodies Jersey Tanning Mom

Funny guy Greg Scarnici has posted a video recreating the now infamous "tanning mom" Patricia Krentcil... as though she is doing a video diary that precedes the day she got busted for allegedly taking her five year old daughter tanning. As if his mustache didn't make it funny enough, 'she' describes how she is getting her 'base' tan for the Jersey Shore.

VIDEO: THE RING Ghost Throws Out First Pitch At Japanese Baseball Game

The people behind the Japanese horror film, RINGU (the movie THE RING was based on) are in the middle of a major marketing campaign to promote the franchise's latest sequel, SADAKO 3D. And some bright bulb in the marketing department decided that one great marketing ploy would be to let the ghost throw out the first pitch at a baseball game.

Oprah On Success, Failure, and OWN

In what has become a very competitive week of morning television, Oprah Winfrey went on CBS this Morning today to speak about the struggling OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network.) Here's the video, and some significant quotes from the interview.