James Franco to Teach College Course…on Himself?

Seriously, somewhere out there, James Franco has an army of lookalikes that he sends around as he sits back with a pipe in a silk robe and an ascot laughing at all of us.  He has been in some of the biggest films in the past two years, both comedy and drama, he has directed passion projects and written a book, and he is constantly in school (whether or not he’s actually paying attention, we don’t know…)

Now, Franco is taking his college chair and moving it into the teaching position.  He will be overseeing a class at Columbia College Hollywood called “Master Class: Editing James Franco…With James Franco”  The syllabus is as follows:

“12 of the private film school’s best editing students [will] create a 30-minute documentary film from videographic footage from Mr. Franco’s own unorthodox career.”

The press release continues:

“Mr. Franco’s frequent collaborator and editor Tyler Danna is teaching the course … Mr. Franco is providing the footage — much of it from behind the scenes on short films he has directed — and the conception for the course and will speak to the students weekly via live feed (Skype) and attend the weekly class sessions when his schedule allows. The student editors will seek to create a cinematic image of James Franco through the footage.”

So you’re telling me that these kids are going to make a documentary feel of James Franco’s life with James Franco leading them?

I wave my white flag.  The guy can do whatever he wants.  The guy is great, I’ll give you that, but suddenly, that picture above seems a tad more accurate, no….?

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