Lindsay Lohan Jewelry Heist?!?

The words “trouble” and “Lindsay Lohan” seem to go together like chocolate and peanut butter. She’s the Reese’s cup of Hollywood scandal, I guess. Now she’s being investigated in connection with a missing necklace worth $2,500. I mean, come on…

A store in Venice Califlornia reported the necklace stolen on Jan. 22, roughly three weeks after the “Mean Girls” star was released from rehab.

The necklace in question has already been returned to the jewelry store…  but if Lohan was involved in its disappearance, she could still face prosecution.

According to Yahoo, “police got a search warrant to look for the stolen necklace at her home. But before detectives could execute the warrant, someone — police wouldn’t say who — turned in the necklace.”

Lohan is still on probation for her drunk driving mess. Let’s hope this is all nothing because I would really like to see a triumphant comeback for her.

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