Lindsay Lohan’s Promising Career Replaced By A Series Of Depressing Mugshots.

Lindsay Lohan's latest trip to jail for violating her probation has brought a sad trend to light. Lately, she makes more mugshots than movies. In court testimony, her lawyer even agreed that opportunities in the United States have pretty much dried up.

Lindsay Lohan’s latest trip to jail for violating her probation has brought a sad trend to light. Lately, she  makes more mugshots than movies. In court testimony, her lawyer even agreed that opportunities in the United States have pretty much dried up.

And so, yet another mugshot, this one apparently her fifth in four years, was taken after Lohan was handcuffed and detained at the courthouse for missing too many Community Service appointments. Someone eventually paid the 100 thousand dollars in bail and she was released. She’ll return to court November 2nd.

The pics show the sad decline of a once promising career. (And, between us, a progessively lower-end haircolorist. Snap! I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. Now let’s get back to the fact that this whole thing is pretty darn sad.)

At the hearing, Lindsay’s defense used a familiar tactic for Lohan’s probation negligence…  she was busy with work. But the judge didn’t buy it.

“She is supposed to be an actress from what I hear. I don’t know how much acting work she’s done or is doing,” Los Angeles Judge Stephanie Sautner said.

But Lohan’s lawyer said that the actress’s trips to Europe are necessary because, frankly, no one wants her here.

“Her opportunities are, unfortunately right now, limited,’’ said Shawn Holley. “Her opportunities are not in this country. They’re outside this country. And her traveling to Europe was not to have fun. It was to make money to support herself and to support her family.”

Among the jobs Lohan had booked recently, (and really, the only one I could find record of) was a gig as the face of a fashion line.

I’m in Hollywood this week, and the topic of Lindsay Lohan came up more than once over dinner with friends, and it still remains a polarizing issue: is she to be pitied, as a person with no proper parental support who is yet to overcome a crippling addiction, or reviled as someone who has squandered every possible opportunity to get herself back on track?

Does Lindsay’s track make you sad, or mad?

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