One thing that virturally guarantees web traffic is anything related to conspiracy, government coverups, and aliens. This checks all the boxes. After less than a month being on the web, video labeled “Dead alien found in UFO hotspot in Russia” has grabbed more than 2 million views. Trouble is, as technology gets better at capturing video, so does the technology used to create remarkably realistic looking alien creatures lying dead in the snow… So as compelling as this video is, it does little to sway one person from their respective beliefs to another way of thinking. But one this is for certain… the video will get plenty of clicks for the foreseeable future. (and thanks to YouTube’s automatically generated advertisements, you’ll also have the option to learn how to speak Russian OR date a Russian beauty…. generally to date a Russian beauty it’s helpful to speak their language, so go for the language course first.)
But back to the video!
Says one source that favors the existence of alien life: