Kate (Gosselin) Plus Eight Gets Canceled.

For Gosselin, an iconic hairstyle was just the beginning of her rise in popularity.

Kate Gosselin is looking for a new gig. Despite relative uncertainty about the future of her show ‘Kate Plus Eight” in an interview last week, TLC has cancelled the program. TLC said that by the end of this season, Kate’s long running reality shows will collectively have reached 150 episodes, and that this would be her last season. They also said that they plan on checking in with Gosselin – perhaps in special programs – in the future.

According to CNN, Gosselin seemed somewhat unaware of her future. She told HLN’s Joy Behar:

“It’s going great…We’re still having fun. We have some pretty interesting things coming up. A little bit of stress and drama.”

After Behar pointed out that the show was not on the fall line-up, she asked whether the show was canceled. (It’s important to note that Kate would likely have known that, since she would have been taping episodes in preparation of that…. although she may have believed she was on a brief hiatus, instead aiming for a spring premiere.)
So was she getting canceled, Behar asked?
“I know, everybody is saying that,” Gosselin said. “But I don`t control TLC’s programming and I don’t understand. All I need to do is do my thing on camera and then when it leaves me, I don’t know what happens.”

Gosselin was upbeat on twitter, saying that she would be back on TV someday, and also appeared in an AOL interview yesterday that focused on her quest to find a new man.

Her initial series, Jon and Kate Plus Eight, launched Gosselin into the national spotlight, but also seemed to play a major role in the collapse of her marriage. The problems between her and then husband Jon became such tabloid fodder that they reached movie star gossip status. Jon Gosselin was eventually dropped from the show, and has faded from the limelight. While Kate had an unsuccessful stint on Dancing With The Stars, and was considered for an talk show modeled after “The View,” nothing materialized. It remains to be seen whether this is Kate’s last TV act, of if another spotlight awaits her…

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