VIDEO: Rebecca Black Performs LIVE. Without Lipsynching. Word, RB!

I should say upfront that I have done a total turnaround on Rebecca Black. I used to roll my eyes. Now, I applaud her for sticking to her guns, rolling with the many punches she's being thrown (via internet haters) and just going for it. As you watch this performance, let's consider Rebecca Black our little sister who just happens to be getting worldwide attention - and give her some love.

I should say upfront that I have done a total turnaround on Rebecca Black. I used to roll my eyes. Now, I applaud her for sticking to her guns, rolling with the many punches she’s being thrown (via internet haters) and just going for it. On America’s Got Talent, she sang a mashup of her viral hits “Friday” and “This Is My Moment.” And while she’s no Whitney Houston, she IS only 14… and she’s NOT lipsynching or autotuned in this very brief performance. Let’s cheer this dreamer on. The girl is taking an unorthodox road to fame. In the same way that you cheer on your niece, your nephew, your kid, who isn’t the best entertainer in the world… let’s consider Rebecca Black our little sister who just happens to be getting worldwide attention – and give her some love.

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