Movie Studios Love Turning Their Backs On You, And Other Hollywood Movie Poster Cliches.

Proving once again that moviemakers love a cliche, check out this collection of movie posters ... notice a familiar theme? This is just one of the brilliantly assembled collages put together by a blogger who is seemingly obsessed with Hollywood's own obsession with repeating the same marketing tools over and over and over...

Proving once again that moviemakers love a cliche, check out this collection of movie posters … notice a familiar theme? This is just one of the brilliantly assembled collages put together by a blogger named Christophe Courtois who is seemingly obsessed with Hollywood’s obsession with repeating the same marketing tools over and over and over…

The blog is in french, but it doesn’t matter. the collages speak for themselves… take this “Turned Away Central Character” montage:

 Wow. It’s funny how I never really picked up on this before. Okay…Then there’s the “Closeup Of An Eyeball Theme” as I like to call it.

That’s a LOT of creepy eyeball closeups.

Here’s another one that I had picked up on before. It’s the “Whether We’re Totally Different or Totally Similar, Let’s Lean Back To Back On Each Other… People Wil Love This Movie!” theme.

Clearly this guy has an eye for overdone marketing! Check his site out – don’t let the language stop you. The pictures are more than enough to entertain!

For more entertainment news, gossip, and viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

Site found via the Best Week Ever.



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