VIDEO: This Safe Sex Ad For Seniors Might Make You Uncomfortable.

If you think it's tough to talk to KIDS about safe sex, then this video may broaden what it is to be uncomfortable. Because STD rates are skyrocketing among the senior set this public service announcement aims to get senior citizens to take precautions.

If you think it’s tough to talk to KIDS about safe sex, then this video may broaden what it is to be uncomfortable. Because STD rates are skyrocketing among the senior set (Guess what: they’re not just playing canasta at the senior center) this public service announcement aims to get senior citizens to take precautions.


I’m all for people gettin’ their groove on … but the poses in this PSA really make me uncomfortable! Don’t make me think of grandma that way!!!

For more info, visit

For more viral videos, with very few of them relating to sex among seniors, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

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1 Comment

  • Could’nt get the video!!But, let it be known the were senior and sexy at this address.However if i could get my legs up any higher i’d be super sexy.Grandma and grandpa are alive and doing very well.Being old does not mean you can’t get your SWERVE on.All you random seniors just put some cover on it!!!!

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