Hold The Phone! Could ALF Be Making A Comeback?

In a world where the Smurfs and The Transformers make updated returns to pop culture with motion pictures - could ALF be far behind? His creator hopes so... he's pitching film ideas to a Hollywo0d film studio this week.

In a world where the Smurfs and The Transformers make updated returns to pop culture with motion pictures – could ALF be far behind? His creator hopes so… he’s pitching film ideas to a Hollywo0d film studio this week.

The Hollywood Reporter writes that Paul Fusco, the creator, puppeteer, voice and moneymaker behind ALF is hard at work trying to bring back the character that had its own sitcom and worldwide popularity in the 80’s.

Says Fusco:

I think the timing is right. Thats a big important thing, timing … There have been movies out there of characters that I didnt think were on the same parallel as ALF that got movies made, so I think its time. I think it could be a homerun on a lot of levels.

ALF could be more outspoken now than ever, because the world is a whole different place than the 80s. And I think the character still stands up and certainly has more to say now than ever … I think we would approach it in a fresh way. I dont think we would duplicate the TV show, but I think we would maybe put it in a storyline where we would explain how ALF got here and put him with a new family and let the character speak for himself.

I worked with Paul Fusco and Alf back when I was a young producer at NBC News in the early 2000’s. (I could shoot myself for not taking a picture – and for some reason I think I did – but that was back when they printed photos at the pharmacy and you stored them in a drawer… otherwise you know that pic would be on my facebook page by now!) I was struck by how committed he was to the process of getting Alf on TV and how he approached keeping the illusion of Alf’s realness alive. It was truly impressive, and Fusco – or, Alf, rather – or I guess you would say Fusco, really – was downright funny in the segment.

Fusco may be on to something… resurrecting campy nostalgia from the 80s has never been hotter, and the character, despite the often cheesy format of 80’s sitcoms – had an irreverence that could in fact work well today… The question is – how irreverent can he get? (Family Guy irreverent?) and who would the audience be? Adults? Kids? Hitting the same spot that the Muppets do, with just enough adult humor mixed in with kid friendly content might be a good route… or, just go for broke and hit the adults only crowd currently being targeted by Seth MacFarlane in his upcoming buddy/stuffed animal comedy TED.

Would you watch an ALF movie? Vote below.

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