MUST WATCH VIDEO: Guy Proposes In Spectacular, Heartwarming, Showstopping Way

Isaac Lamb told his girlfriend Amy Frankel to meet him at his parents' house for dinner... instead she received the most heartfelt, beautiful, epic wedding proposal ever.


Damn you for making me cry at work! On May 23rd, 2012, Isaac Lamb (a Portland, Oregon performer) told his girlfriend Amy Frankel to meet him at his parents’ house for dinner. When she arrived he had his brother to sit her in the back of an open Honda CRV and give her some headphones. He “wanted to play her a song”… instead she received the most heartfelt, beautiful, epic wedding proposal ever.

By the end of this, YOU might want to marry this guy.

This is also more proof that life is sweeter with backup dancers.

For more viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

Thanks RaymondJLee!

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