Tom Hanks Again Proves His Awesomeness With A Random Fan

Tom Hanks is already a beloved actor who has a reputation for being one the most down-to-earth celebs out there. But he really took it to the next level when he posed for some funny pics with a fan.

Tom Hanks is already a beloved actor who has a reputation for being one the most down-to-earth celebs out there.  But he really took it to the next level when he posed for some funny pics with a fan.

On the site Reddit, a user posted three pics with the headline:  “My Friend met Tom Hanks, Stole his glasses and pretended to be wasted.”  

Here, you can clearly see that Tom Hanks is a guy with a great sense of humor. (And to pose for not one or two photos, but THREE… really puts him at the top of the list when it comes to cool, accessible celebrities.)


In less then a day the pics have topped more than a million views.

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