Reporter Narrowly Dodges Falling Lights And Continues To Deliver The News

Talk about breaking news…

I don’t know if the old adage “the show must go on” was ever applied to broadcast journalism before but that didn’t stop NBC reporter Kristen Welker from rolling with the punches during one hazardous report. Covering Attorney General William Barr’s statement on coronavirus shutdowns, Welker was reporting live in Washington D.C. when suddenly two lighting fixtures came crashing to the ground. Without skipping a beat Welker takes one step back, then another and dodges what could have been a nasty accident. The best part, Welker never stopped delivering the news! Welker’s colleagues back at the studio had to convince her to end the report even though she assured them she was fine saying “We’re okay, they fell in front of me.”

Check out the wild video below!

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