There are illustrations and everything. ***NSFW-ish*** I never went to sleep-away camp but after seeing what Anna Roisman worked on one summer when she...
The people behind velcro are so insistent you stop calling velcro velcro that they made a BRILLIANT music video, complete with expletives. It’s incredibly...
SNL and Kristen Wiig will leave you in stitches with this parody of a 1-800 Flowers commercial! Give flowers to the mother you love, but also annoys the heck out of you!
Saturday Night Live started the weekend’s episode with a sendup of the Morning Joe romance that had been the worst kept secret in town. It’s only been a...
This is a must watch! College Humor has really NAILED the hilarious, frustrating and annoying things wrong with trendy restaurants… especially your typical ‘small...