Say What?

You Thought Alicia Silverstone Was Bad?! Hear What “Blossom” Star Mayim Bialik Does For HER Children!

Last month, we shuddered at the YouTube video of Alicia Silverstone feeding her son mouth-to-mouth (something that Silverstone says she has no regrets about posting online). Then, there was the story of January Jones taking pills made from her own placenta. And now, we have yet another celebrity parenting choice that most may not approve of...

VIDEO: Dad Gets Revenge On Daughter’s Facebook Post Slamming Parents.

You will either love this or hate this. A dad who found a parent-bashing post on his daughter's facebook page gets back at the girl by taping a video response to all her gripes, then posts it on her facebook page for all her friends to see. Watch as he reponds to her claim that she shouldn't have to clean the house, since they 'have a cleaning lady for that.'

Tracy Morgan Won’t Save His Own Mother From Foreclosure

Tracy Morgan has, to say the least, had a bad last few months. First, during a stand up routine, he said he would stab his son to death if he was gay. He apologized and appeared on Oprah. Then, during the Sundance Film Festival, he passed out after giving an incoherent acceptance speech. It was blamed on the altitude. Well now, he isn't going save his own mother from foreclosure.