Seth MacFarlane is known for being brash, irreverent, and brilliantly funny through his cartoon creations Family Guy, American Dad and The Cleveland Show, plus his mega-hit...
"PSY" is a South Korean rapper (also known as Park Jae Sang) who has become a star both for his wild sense of humor and his 'out there' performances. This video is so over the top it's not to be believed. Maybe that's why it's gotten more than 11 million views!
The rule should be: If you stop listening before three seconds in, it never happened. But go ahead and be brave... 'Country singer' (and yes, the quotes are necessary) Lisa Gail Allred has a new single.And it is... well... awful. Rebecca Black suddenly sounds like Barbara Streisand.
After dropping her debut single for her newest album "Give Me All Your Luvin', " Madonna has released "Girl Gone Wild." One listen and it's clear that the pop star has her sights on the dance floor. Check it out...
Guess who’s back? Back again… Shady’s back, ladies and gentlemen. Eminem has a new song called “A Kiss”, from his his new collaborative album...