Michael Lohan Describes His Suicide Attempt.

On the upcoming premiere of Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab, Michael Lohan talks about his darkest days - and the night he put a gun to his head, ready to end it all.

On the upcoming premiere of Dr. Drew’s Celebrity Rehab, Michael Lohan talks about his darkest days – and the night he put a gun to his head, ready to end it all.

XFinitytv’s Sean Daly reports that Lohan will open up about his suicide attempt aftersplitting from ex-wife Dina in the mid 1980’s. He was facing prison time for insider trading as his family was falling apart. 

“I lost it,” he says.  ”Went on a (drinking) binge for like, eight to ten months.  Everything started falling apart.  I was kind of on the run from the Feds, and Dina and I separated.

“I finally sat in my room and put a gun to my head.  A 44 magnum.  I pulled the trigger.  It didn’t go off.  I put it down on the table and boom, it went off.  It went through a picture, through the garage, through the car window and into a tree.”

Lohan, who has been treated for alcohol and drug addiction in the past, also takes some responsibility for the downward spiral of daughter Lindsay, who is fresh from rehab and current under house arrest in connection with the theft of a piece of jewelry. She too has had drug and alcohol problems. (As if you didn’t know.)

Lohan is joined by Sean Young, Amy Fisher, Jeremy Jackson and other in the Sunday night premiere.

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1 Comment

  • The only suicide story i want to hear about M.L. is the one that he actually pulls off.

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