POP Goes The Week Viral Video Roundup!

This week, an update on Japan's favorite cat "Maru," an adorable couple named Rita and Frank who can't seem to take a picture with their webcam, a very funny woman whose "Sittin' On Tha Toilet" video has gotten 25 million views - and reflecting on why those women in the Neutrogena commercials always splash so much water around!

This week, an update on Japan’s favorite cat “Maru,” an adorable couple named Rita and Frank who can’t seem to take a picture with their webcam, a very funny woman whose “Sittin’ On Tha Toilet” video has gotten 25 million views (don’t worry – it’s not gross) and reflecting on why those women in the Neutrogena commercials always splash so much water around! Oh yeah -and a dancing chihuahua. In this report, as always, I’m pretty much willing to humiliate myself for the fun of it. The full videos are below the roundup!



Meanwhile: Here are the videos from the roundup:

An old favorite: Worst Student driver ever!


Here’s some Maru – just search Maru on youtube… there’s plenty more!

Here’s Sittin On The Toilet – this woman is not only a comic but from what I’ve learned a singer as well… someone is going to grab her someday and I’m guessing she’ll be on tv soon enough! It’s not embeddable so click HERE if you want to watch it!


Moving on… Rita and Frank are the stars of “Did You Hear A Click?” They are adorable – and I have to commend them for even having their own computer and a webcam in the first place! Rock on! Many more years of happiness to you both!

This dancing dog is one of many online… and it has exploded online in recent days. Adorable.


Have a great day!

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