Would You Have Britney As Your Kid’s Teacher? Could Have Happened…

Parents…be afraid…you could have had Britney Spears molding your child’s mind inside their classroom…

In a new interview with PopJustice.com, the 29-year-old mother of two said that if she didn’t become famous so young, she probably would have gone into a very specific field: teaching.

“I’d probably be a teacher…I love kids, and even in what I do now one of my favorite parts of my day is getting to meet my fans before the show. Especially the little ones. They are always so cute.”

What would she teach?

“I’d specialize in reading and history.”

I don’t know if I could see Britney Spears teaching my child about the American Revolution.  Do YOU see her as a teacher, or just as good a choice as Sarah Palin?

On the other hand…from the kids’ perspective, that would be amazing…

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